How to Open a Jupyter Notebook in VS Code

If you’re a developer, data scientist, educator, or student, chances are you’ll have to use Visual Studio Code and Jupyter Notebook. Fortunately, the two systems are integrated and opening up Jupyter notebook in VS Code doesn’t have to be a hassle.

How to Open a Jupyter Notebook in VS Code

In this article, we’ll explain how to open the Jupyter notebook on VS Code.

How to Open a Jupyter Notebook in VS Code

Opening a Jupyter Notebook in VS code allows you to conveniently combine your Python code with Markdown text. You’ll be able to run and modify parts of your code using this extension. It also gives you the option of running your code while checking for errors and sharing your documents with others.

But first, here are the things you’ll need to do to open Jupyter on VS code:

  1. You need to Install the Python extension to open Jupyter Notebook in VS Code. To do so, go to the Extensions panel in VS Code and search for “Python.” Choose the Python extension by Microsoft and click the “Install” button.
  2. Next, you need to install the Jupyter Notebook extension. Go to the Extensions panel in VS Code and search for “Jupyter.” Choose the Jupyter Notebook extension by Microsoft. Click the “Install” button.
  3. Now that you have Jupyter on VS Code, it’s time to launch the extension. Go to the Command Palette in VS Code (press Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P on a Mac) and search for “Jupyter.” Choose the “Jupyter Notebook: Create New Blank Notebook” This option creates a new Notebook.

  4. Next, you can select a kernel. This is a code engine responsible for executing code that will be in the document. Select a kernel by clicking the top-right corner button of your window.
  5. Now you can run code using Jupyter Notebook without any issues. To run code, simply highlight the code you want to run and press Ctrl + Enter or Cmd + Enter on a Mac.

How to Use a Jupyter Notebook in VS Code

Using a Jupyter Notebook in VS Code is a great way to enjoy the best of both worlds: the powerful code editor features of VS Code and the interactive coding of Jupyter Notebook. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer or just starting out, Jupyter Notebook in VS Code is a great tool to have in your armory.

Below are the tips to get the hang of using Jupyter Notebook in VS Code:

  • Begin by opening a Jupyter Notebook and running or writing code as explained in the earlier steps
  • VS Code will automatically provide code completion and linting as you type. This automated method checks code for common mistakes and makes suggestions for improvement. This helps you write code more efficiently and accurately.
  • You can also debug your code. Set your breakpoint and press F5 to start the debugger. You can step through your code, inspect variables, and fix bugs
  • You also have access to many Source control features. If you’re working on a project with others, you can use the built-in source control features in VS Code to manage your code changes and collaborate with others.
  • Jupyter Notebook also supports markdown cells. Use markdown to format text, create headings, add links, and more. To create a markdown cell, simply select “Markdown” from the cell type dropdown.
  • When you’re done writing code, share your Jupyter Notebook with others by exporting it as a. ipynb file.
  • You may also choose from multiple options for customization. For example, you can install additional extensions, change the color theme, or modify the keyboard shortcuts.

While Jupyter is a great extension to use, you may be asking yourself if you need VS Code to use Jupyter Notebook.

How to Use Jupyter Notebook Without VS Code

It’s possible to use Jupyter Notebook without VS code. While the two systems can work together, it isn’t your only option. Here are the steps to start using it:

  1. You need to install Python. Jupyter Notebook is built on top of Python, so install Python on your computer. You can download Python from the official Python website.
  2. The next step is to install Pip. Pip is a package manager for Python. You can use it to install packages for Python. Run this command to install pip in your terminal or command prompt: python
  3. Once you install pip, you can use it to get Jupyter Notebook. Simply run the next command in your terminal or command prompt: pip install Jupyter.
  4. Once you finish the installation, you need to verify that Jupyter was installed successfully. Do so by using the command “jupyter notebook.” This launches Jupyter Notebook in your default web browser.

While you can use Jupyter without VS Code, there isn’t a way to use it without installing Python.


Can I just install Jupyter directly through the website?

You can’t directly install Jupyter Notebook from the website. Jupyter Notebook is a software that runs on Python. It can only be installed using a package manager such as Pip.

Do I need Python to use Jupyter?

Yes, you do need Python. The Jupyter Notebook is built on top of Python and uses the Python interpreter to execute the code cells within a notebook.

Should I be using Jupyter Notebook?

Many different organizations and individuals use Jupyter notebook. If you’re a researcher, data scientist, data analyst, engineer, scientist, or software developer, the Jupyter notebook is a great tool to use.

Should I be using VS Code?

Visual Studio Code is a tool for many of the same people that use Jupyter Notebook. However, it’s a great tool for students and educators, game developers, and web developers as well.

Do I need to know Python to use Jupyter notebook?

If you want to use Jupyter Notebook as a tool effectively, some basic knowledge of Python would be great. It may be difficult to understand the notebook for your work without it. However, if you want to learn, Jupyter is a great tool for getting acquainted with Python.

Does Jupyter Notebook support other programming languages besides Python?

Yes, Jupyter Notebooks support many programming languages beyond Python. The Jupyter Notebook allows you to switch between different programming languages in a single notebook, making it a versatile and powerful tool for data analysis and development. Some of these include Julia, Scala, Ruby Haskell, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Go, and many others.

Coding with Jupyter Notebook and VS Code

With this setup, you can experience the benefits of both a powerful code editor along with the coding experience of Jupyter Notebook in a single environment. Using the extension should also be quick and easy if you stick to the steps we’ve mentioned above. When it comes to running actual code, that may take a little time. But now you have the perfect editor and extension to do it.

What do you think about Jupyter Notebook and VS Code? Did you have trouble installing them? Let us know in the comments section below.

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