How to Open the Console in Gmod

Gmod is a top-rated sandbox game where the only limits are your imagination. You can load all the character and object models you want into the game and have complete control over their behaviors. However, some players might not know that Gmod has a developer console they can also take advantage of.

How to Open the Console in Gmod

As the developer console is disabled by default, you’ll have to turn it on manually. After doing so, anyone with the proper knowledge can use it to perform some incredible tasks.

How to Open the Console

The console in Gmod allows players to turn on cheats or change the viewpoint. The first time you install Gmod, it’s disabled for all users. That’s why we’ll show you how to gain access to the console.

Follow these steps to open the console:

  1. Launch Gmod on your PC.
  2. Go to the game’s main menu.
  3. Click on “Options” from the main menu.
  4. Select the “Keyboard” tab.
  5. From this menu, find the “Advanced” tab.
  6. Click to check the “Enable Developer Console (~)” option.
  7. Confirm your choice.
  8. End the process by clicking on the second “Ok” button.

After doing so, you can press the tilde button or “~” key below your Esc key. When you press it, the console will appear on your screen. It’s now ready to accept your input.

You call up the console at any time when you use Gmod, whether you’re in the main menu or any of your servers. Typing a command and running it works no matter the game’s state.

If you wish to disable access to the console, you can follow all the steps above but uncheck the box. Alternatively, you can bind the console to another key. It’s mandatory to do so if you’re using a non-English keyboard.

Here’s how to rebind the console:

  1. Launch Steam on your PC.
  2. Go to your Steam Games list and search for Garry’s Mod.
  3. Right-click on Gmod.
  4. Click on “Properties.”
  5. When the window pops up, select “Set Launch Options.”
  6. Another window will pop up.
  7. Type +bind xxx “toggleconsole”, where xxx is your key of choice.
  8. After rebinding the console, you can bring it up even if you use a non-English keyboard.

Gmod Console Commands

There are a variety of console commands, and they’re handy for modifying aspects of the game. Let’s start with some general commands for the Source engine console, which also function identically in Gmod.

  • bind
  • changelevel
  • connect
  • ent_create
  • ent_fire
  • kill
  • noclip
  • password
  • stopsounds
  • buddha

You can use these general commands for different situations. For example, the “noclip” command allows you to go anywhere on the map. Going through floors and flying becomes possible after executing this command. After running the code, you’ll have to press the V key to start clipping into the environment again.

The “connect” command will let you connect to a server. You’ll have to type in the server hosts’ IP address after the command itself. When your friend has a private server, you’ll need to use this method to enter it.

The command “buddha” is fun to mess around with, as you lose health but won’t die. Unlike the “god” command, which renders you immortal and invincible.

These are some of the most common universal Source commands. You can even use them in other games such as Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life 2, which run on the same engine as Gmod.

Here are some Gmod-specific commands you can run:

  • gm_clearfonts
  • gm_giveswep
  • gm_gridsize
  • gm_showhelp
  • gm_showspare1
  • gm_showspare2
  • gm_showteam
  • gm_snapdegrees
  • gm_snaptogrid
  • gm_spawn
  • gm_spawnsent
  • gm_spawnswep
  • gm_spawnvehicle
  • -gm_special
  • +gm_special
  • gmod_admin_cleanup
  • gmod_camera
  • gmod_cleanup
  • gmod_drawhelp
  • gmod_npc_weapon
  • gmod_physiterations
  • gmod_spawnnpc
  • gmod_tool
  • gmod_toolmode
  • gmod_undo
  • gmod_undonum
  • gmod_vehicle_viewmode

With these commands, there are worlds of possibilities available. Some of the examples above can change camera angles, give NPCs weapons, and spawn in various entities. Feel free to experiment with the cheats above.

Spawning in Weapons

When you use the “ent_create” command and add the item’s name after the code, you spawn the item in your session. The command is commonly used to spawn in various weapons, and here are some default weapons you can materialize via console.

  • ent_create weapon_alyxgun
  • ent_create weapon_357
  • ent_create weapon_stunstick
  • ent_create weapon_crowbar
  • ent_create weapon_physcannon
  • ent_create weapon_crossbow
  • ent_create weapon_bugbait
  • ent_create weapon_smg1
  • ent_create weapon_striderbuster
  • ent_create weapon_shotgun
  • ent_create weapon_rpg
  • ent_create weapon_pistol
  • ent_create weapon_frag
  • ent_create weapon_ar2
  • ent_create weapon_annabelle

These weapons are mainly from the Half-Life 2 series. As both games run on the same engine, conjuring these firearms and melee weapons is relatively simple. The moment you run these commands, you can pick up the item right away.

Why Use the Console?

The console is the only way players can tweak Gmod and customize it to their preferences. Standard settings aren’t going to cut it because they’re constrained. Even so, using the console requires knowledge of the Source engine and Gmod commands.

Thankfully, the console is relatively user-friendly. When you type a letter, a drop-down menu containing several commands will appear. They start with the letter you first typed.

When you add more letters, the list gets smaller. This way, you can narrow down your command choices and find the command you want.

Some websites contain all Source engine commands. With more than a thousand of them, including variations, you should only pick the essential ones. However, there’s no harm in keeping the hyperlinked list handy.

The complete command list may contain specific cheats and commands you wish to use, and the website also contains short descriptions. There’s no need to guess what the codes do when their functions are laid bare for all to see.

Nothing Can Kill Me Now

With “god” or “buddha,” you get to live forever in Gmod, and no amount of damage will kill you. There are many other commands you can run, thanks to the game’s flexibility. As a blank slate, Gmod truly allows players to express their imaginations.

What commands do you use frequently? Do you think Gmod is perfect for making your imagination a reality? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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