Instagram Stories Keep Repeating? Here’s What’s Happening

One of the most irritating things on Instagram is when Stories or posts start repeating. Strangely, Instagram never came up with an official explanation, although many users have experienced this at least once.

Instagram Stories Keep Repeating? Here's What's Happening

Don’t worry as this issue isn’t here to stay. Everything will be back to normal in a couple of hours. Until then, here are the three most common reasons why it could be happening.

Your Internet Connection Is Low

When you notice that Instagram Stories keep repeating, you should first check your Wi-Fi or cellular data. That’s the most common reason for many issues on Instagram.

Although it may look like you’re connected to the Wi-Fi, the connection could be bad. The only way to solve this is to try connecting to some other source and see what happens.

instagram stories keep repeating

Your App Needs Update

Every couple of months, Instagram surprises us with cool new features. If you have missed an update, your app might start behaving strangely. That’s one of the ways to remind you that it may be time for an update.

Repeating Instagram Stories is just one of the things that can happen. IG sometimes repeats posts as well, or it shows you only a limited number of them. You almost find yourself thinking: “Is it possible that none of my followers posted anything today?”

To solve this issue, go to the App Store or Google Play and update your app. It only takes a couple of minutes, but the benefits are apparent. You’ll stop seeing duplicate Stories, and you’ll also get to use many new amazing features.

instagram stories

Instagram Is Down

I happened a couple of times last year. People started complaining on Twitter that their Instagram Stories keep repeating and that the feed isn’t refreshing. They thought the issue was with their phones. However, those posts soon went viral as the whole world was experiencing a similar problem.

Instagram was down for almost one whole day. We never got an official explanation, other than that Instagram had a networking issue. Many users were outraged, especially those who use the platform to promote their business. Fortunately, those big crashes don’t happen often.

However, Instagram can be down in one area due to a networking issue in that particular region. Maybe that’s what’s happening to you now. We suggest you reach out to your friends and check whether they’re experiencing a similar issue.

Why Instagram Always Shows Me Stories of the Same Person?

Another common question is why we get to see someone’s Stories every day, while we never see Stories of some other users. People who show up first in your Stories are usually your friends, people who you interact with often, or those whose Stories you always watch. At least that’s how it’s supposed to be.

However, if Instagram keeps showing you Stories of someone you have no particular interest in, here’s what could be happening. Instagram’s algorithm loves active users. The more Stories one person post, the more Instagram shows their stories to other users. It’s that simple.

If your followers aren’t particularly active, chances are Instagram will always show you that one person who is. And the only thing you can do about it is to hide their Stories.

To do that, go to their profile and tap on the Following. You’ll then see several options, but you should click on Mute. Then, chose whether you want to mute their Stories or posts or both.

In case you’re wondering whether they can notice you muted them – the answer is no. It’s your own thing, and Instagram won’t notify them about it.

Instagram’s Mysteries

There are a lot of things no one knows about Instagram. For example, no one can say for sure how its algorithm is functioning. Therefore, if a similar issue happens again, try to stay calm. Instagram is probably already working on fixing it.

Have you experienced any other issue with Instagram Stories? Let us know in the comments section below.

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