How To Have a Deep Conversation in The Sims 4

Deep conversations in Sims can offer you a lot of valuable information. They give you insight into what your characters are talking about and often let you choose what they will say. They can also produce many surprising effects, which can positively or negatively influence relationships in the game.

How To Have a Deep Conversation in The Sims 4

But are deep conversations available in Sims 4? And if so, how do you activate this feature? Conversations were a useful tool in previous entries, so let’s check out its state in Sims 4.

How to Have Deep Conversation in Sims 4

Unfortunately, the deep conversation designation isn’t included in the Sims 4 menu. Your friends might have a romantic bar, but the game won’t show the deep conversation option.

However, this doesn’t mean they’re gone from the game. They only appear under different names, depending on your situation. For instance, the interaction called “Share Stories of Personal Challenges” is if your characters are confidants. By contrast, the action known as “Exchange Pirate Yarns” is when you’re interacting on a Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Since the “Exchange Pirate Yarns” interaction is rarer, you should choose “Share Stories of Personal Challenges” when you’re on dates. They should fulfill your goal and score points with your potential partner.

Once you’ve started a conversation with another Sim, it should work the same as in other versions. While having this type of social interaction, your characters can acquire and lose a number of relationship points, make friends, enemies, and lovers. Additionally, they can be mean, flirty, or friendly, triggering various events and enabling Sims to talk about related memories (e.g., becoming best friends).

When initiating conversations with other Sims, a tab should appear on your screen. It shows the type of discussion and the interlocutor’s emotions. There are two types of conversations:

  • Pleasant conversation – This discussion takes place when your Sim uses a friendly social interaction with their interlocutor. It gives one Happy Moodlet to both Sims and two Moodlets for outgoing characters. The conversation can also occur during friendly introductions.
  • Casual discussion – The second type is more common and happens whenever your Sim starts talking to another Sim.

To start deep conversations, you can choose between several options besides sharing stories of personal challenges and exchanging pirate yarns:

  • “Banter with BFF”
  • “Share Personal Life Goals”
  • “Talk About Treasured Memory”

Here are a few pointers on making the most of your deep discussions:

Gauge the Mood

Your character’s mood is crucial to their conversation abilities. If they’re cheerful, your conversations are bound to last longer and be more enjoyable. The mood of the interlocutor is just as crucial, if not even more significant.

To check out the Sims’ mood, hover over your conversation panel in the upper part of the screen. Green indicates happiness, meaning you can have a more fruitful discussion. By contrast, red denotes anger and isn’t conducive to a good talk. If a character is in a bad mood, your Sim is very likely to get rejected.

In addition, don’t immediately blow kisses or give friendly hugs. Make sure the bar is at least at 20%-30% before trying. If it doesn’t work, take a different approach.

Build Your Relationships Gradually and Learn Sim Traits

Pay close attention to the performance of your socials. If your interlocutor doesn’t like your interactions, stop using them. For instance, if their reaction to funny actions is negative, switch to friendlier ones.

Furthermore, use “Discuss Interests” and “Get to Know” to discover a character’s traits. They should help you find a social that works well, especially when your traits match.

Sometimes, Sims’ traits are reflected in their personality, so consider your notifications when having a discussion. “Creative” characters are more inspired, whereas “Two Bookworms” denote a Sim who enjoys reading books.

Avoid Repetition

Repeating social tricks is ill-advised, as it can make your interlocutor irritated. Performing them two times in succession is usually fine, but anything more than that can lead to a boring conversation.

Instead, rotate through tried-and-true socials. For instance, “Discuss Interests” and “Get to Know” chats shouldn’t fail as frequently as hugging and gossiping early in your relationships.

Regardless of the type of deep conversation, your charisma skill will play a pivotal role in its success. The higher your charisma skill is, the higher are your chances of a fruitful introduction. When leveling up this ability, you can unlock many nifty introductions:

  • Brighten the day
  • Cheerful introductions
  • Smooth apologies
  • Charming introductions
  • Flirty introductions

Bear in mind that you can also converse with other characters while performing multiple activities. The list includes using a treadmill and cooking. The game lets your Sims autonomously join any group conversation, and they can’t be asked to leave their discussion.

Building Strong Relationships In-Game

Sims 4 is all about developing relationships. The most effective way to do so is through deep conversations, even though the interaction is known by different names in this version. The most important thing to remember is to choose your interlocutors carefully, depending on their mood. Once you’ve initiated a discussion, maintain a positive atmosphere with appropriate Socials.

Do you enjoy having deep conversations in Sims 4? How often do you have them? What do your characters talk about most often? Let us know in the comments section below.

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