How to Have Twins in Sims 4

The Sims series is a real-life simulation game where you get to create characters and build their lives as you want. The game aims to be as close to actual life as possible, including having a family. When it comes to creating a family, though, whether your Sim is lucky enough to conceive and, if so, how many children they will have, is no guarantee.

How to Have Twins in Sims 4

To better the chances of having twins, we’ve included the cheats to ensure your Sim gives birth to multiple children. In addition, our FAQs include how to adopt, care for a child, and general “Woohoo” success advice.

How to Have Twins Without Cheats in Sims 4

In Sims 4 there are four ways to increase your Sim’s chances of having twins. Here they are in no particular order:

1. Purchase a Fertile Reward

“Fertile” is a fulfillment reward trait. It increases the possibility of a successful “Try for Baby” for the Sim owning the trait (whether they’re the birth parent or not). It also greatly increases the likelihood of twins or triplets.

This is the only means of increasing the chance of multiple births in the base game. You can buy a “Fertile Reward” in the “Satisfaction Rewards Store” for 3,000 satisfaction points.

2. Get a Fertility Massage

Sims with a “Level Nine” in the Wellness skill can give an in-spa “Fertility Massage.” This causes a “Fertility Boost” mood let for the receiving Sim. You’ll need to own a massage table to have the option to give Fertility Massages.

To boost the odds of multiple pregnancies, you’ll need to engage in “Try for baby” while the mood let is active. This requires the Spa Day game pack.

3. On Ley Line Lot Trait

If your Sims conceive on a lot with this trait, though single births are still a small possibility, multiple births are to be expected the majority of the time. In this scenario “The City Living” expansion pack is required.

4. Elixir of Fertility

When your Sims hit Level 10 in the “Herbalism Skill,” they can brew this elixir recipe. The Sim who consumes it will increase their chance of conceiving twins or triplets. This scenario requires the “Outdoor Retreat” game pack.

How to Have Twins With a Cheat in Sims 4

To guarantee that your Sim has twins using the least amount of effort, you need to enable cheats and have the ID for the Sim you wish to impregnate. You can read our article on enabling cheats in Sims 4 here or follow along below

First Enable Cheats

  1. On your Windows or macOS computer, hold down the “Shift” + “Ctrl” or “CMD” + “C” keys to open a command window.
  2. Type in “testingcheats true.” This will activate the usage of all cheats for Sims 4.
  3. Press “Enter.” You’ll receive a message advising that cheats have been enabled in your game.

To Add Your Twins

After enabling the cheats, you need to find out the ID number for the Sim character whom you wish to have the twins. You can use a cheat to reveal your Sim’s ID number. To get the Sim’s ID, type into your command prompt the following cheat line:

  • “sims.get_sim_id_by_name firstname lastname.”

In the “first name” and “lastname” spaces, enter the Sim’s name. For example:

  • “sims.get_sim_id_by_name Jane Doe.”

The Sim ID number should look something like this:

  • 174354347556802333

The cheat line to request twins is:

  • “pregnancy.force_offspring_count SIM ID NUMBER OF BABIES.”

The cheatline to get the Sim to have two babies at the same time is:

  • “pregnancy.force_offspring_count 1341302010235 2.”

Additional FAQs

How do I Woohoo for a Baby in Sims 4?

Woohoo is an essential representation of love. Woohoo interaction coupled with “Try for Baby” is an enjoyable relationship booster that shows when a couple has a sufficient “Romantic Relationship” developed.

Woohoo makes Sims happy. It provides a four-hour mood let and increases their social and fun needs, though their hygiene slightly decreases.

Woohoo Requirements

All young adult Sims and older ones have the opportunity to Woohoo. Teens Sims do not have the choice to but can “Mess Around.” A Sim can even Woohoo with ghosts and gain an achievement.

Increasing Woohoo Success

Your Sim is more likely to have its Woohoo invitation accepted by another Sim when it has a high “Charisma Skill.” Moreover, Sims with the “Alluring Trait” are 20% more likely to be successful and have a +2 effective “Charisma Skill” level. You acquire this trait by selecting a “Love Aspiration” at Sim creation.

Your Sim’s mood also affects Woohoo success. Being flirtatious has the most impact, followed by being happy and playful. If a Sim is bored, stressed, angry, sad, or embarrassed, there are less likely to accept Woohoo. If your Sim is in a mood, try to improve it by fulfilling their needs and cheering them up with an activity, then try Woohoo again.

“Try for Baby”

In Sims 4 there is no guarantee that regular Woohoo will cause pregnancy, although it isn’t impossible. Sims should consent to “Try for Baby” as often as they’d accept a Woohoo invitation.

The base possibility of pregnancy from “Try for Baby” relations is 80%. The same across all locations. With the “Fertile Reward” this goes up to 150%, also greatly increasing the chance of twins or triplets.

Places to Woohoo

Where your Sims can Woohoo depends on the expansion packs you have. If the following are not on the current lot, the option to Woohoo will not be available. Woohoo can take place in or on the following objects:

· A double bed.

· A rocket ship – Once it’s ready, just click on it then “Woohoo with…” will display, assuming the other Sim doesn’t mind trying.

· The observatory – Not an amazing location but the Sims seem to enjoy it.

How do I adopt a child in Sims 4?

To create a baby in Sims 4 you can either “Try for Baby” to conceive naturally or select “Household” then “Adopt.” You can choose to adopt a baby, toddler, or child costing $1,000. You’ll be shown pictures and the names of available little ones, then just click on the one you want.

Congratulations, You’re Having Twins!

The Sims real-life simulation game is a fun way to create a world with your characters. As in actual life, conceiving children offers no guarantee. But in the Sims world whatever your Sim wants, they can have.

If you desire twins or triplets for your Sim, no problem. There are ways to increase their multiple birth chances, such as with the “Fertile Reward.” Also, there are cheats that guarantee it.

How long have you been a fan of The Sims? How have you set up your family? Did you create your life based on your actual life or have you made it different? Let us know about your Sims 4 experience so far in the comments section below.

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