How to Turn Off Tips in CSGO

In-game instructions are useful for beginners but can get annoying and even distracting once you’ve learned all the basics. Who wants to see pop-up notifications every couple of seconds? Thankfully, you can disable them. If you’re confused about how to do that, we’re here to help.

How to Turn Off Tips in CSGO

In this guide, we will explain how to turn off hints in CSGO. Additionally, we will provide instructions on managing other settings in CSGO that will help to make the gameplay more convenient and fun.

How to Turn Off Tips in CSGO?

Let’s dive right in – to disable pop-up tips in CSGO, follow the steps below:

  1. In the game, open the Settings menu.
  2. Navigate to ‘’Game Settings’’.
  3. Select “No” next to the “Enable Game Instructor Messages”. The changes will apply automatically.

Optionally, you can disable tips using a corresponding command. To do that, follow the instructions below:

  1. Make sure that console commands are enabled. Open the main Settings menu, then navigate to ‘’Game Settings’.’
  2. Select “Yes” next to the “Enable Developer Console” tab.
  3. Confirm by clicking “Apply.”
  4. Navigate back to the main Settings menu, then to ‘’Keyboard and Mouse settings’’.
  5. Click the ‘’Toggle Console’’ option. Select a key to bring up the command input box.
  6. Confirm by clicking “Apply.”
  7. In the game, press the chosen key to type in a command.
  8. Type in “cl_showhelp 0” to disable tips.
  9. To switch the tips back on, type in “cl_showhelp 1.”

How to Turn Off Hints in CSGO

Hints are unnecessary for experienced players and can only distract from the game. To turn them off in CSGO, follow the instructions below:

  1. In the game, open the Settings menu.
  2. Navigate to ‘’Game’’ Settings.
  3. Select “No” next to the “Enable Game Instructor Messages”. The changes will apply automatically.

Optionally, you can disable tips using a corresponding command. To do that, follow the instructions below:

  1. Make sure that console commands are enabled. Open the main Settings menu, then navigate to ‘’Game Settings.’’
  2. Select “Yes” next to the “Enable Developer Console” tab.
  3. Confirm by clicking “Apply.”
  4. Navigate back to the main Settings menu, then to Keyboard and Mouse settings.
  5. Click the ‘’Toggle Console’’ option. Select a key to bring up the command input box.
  6. Confirm by clicking “Apply.”
  7. In the game, press the chosen key to type in a command.
  8. Type in “cl_showhelp 0” to disable tips.
  9. To switch the tips back on, type in “cl_showhelp 1.”

How to Turn Off Noob Tips in CSGO

Experienced players don’t need tips – to turn them off in CSGO, follow the steps below:

  1. In the game, open the Settings menu.
  2. Navigate to ‘’Game Settings.’’
  3. Select “No” next to the “Enable Game Instructor Messages”. The changes will apply automatically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read this section to find out how to manage various settings in CSGO through the menu and with the help of commands.

How Do I Turn Off Trusted Launch in CSGO?

The Trusted mode in CSGO was developed to prevent players from cheating. Turning the Trusted mode off will disable your ability to matchmake and can negatively affect your Trust score.

However, let’s not get into questions of morality – turning the Trusted mode off is quite simple. Go to Steam, select CSGO and navigate to ‘’Properties’’. Locate the ‘’General’’ tab and select “Set Launch Options.” Enter “-untrusted” into the text input box and confirm by clicking ‘’Ok’.’ Then, run the game as usual.

How Do I Change Mouse Settings in CSGO?

There are plenty of official commands that can help you adjust mouse settings in CSGO. First, make sure that commands are enabled – you can do this through the Game Settings menu. Then, link a key to bring up the command input box. After you’ve set everything up, type in “sensitivity [value]” in the text input box to set the mouse sensitivity. The higher the value, the faster will your mouse react to movements.

You can also adjust mouse sensitivity on a specific axis by typing in “m_pitch [Y/X sensitivity value]”. Enter “m_rawinput 1” to disable your operating system mouse settings. If you’d like to set the mouse acceleration, type in “m_customaccel [value 1-3].” Setting the value at 1 will turn on the max acceleration, 2 will allow you to set custom acceleration with the help of “m_pitch” command, and 3 lets setting custom acceleration depending on the sensitivity.

What’s the Command to Turn Off Tips in CSGO?

You can turn off tips in CSGO by entering the “cl_showhelp 0” command. To turn the tips back on, type in “cl_showhelp 1.”

How Do You Turn Off Streamer in CSGO?

To stream CSGO, you have to use third-party software, such as Discord or ORB. Thus, to disable streaming, you need to do it through the settings of the streaming service rather than through the game. To turn off the Streamer mode on Discord, navigate to ‘’User Settings’’ and select ‘”Streamer Mode’’ from the left sidebar. Untick the checkbox next to “Enable Streamer Mode”, then confirm by clicking ‘’Done.’’

How Do I Change the Game Mode in CSGO?

With the help of commands, you can easily switch between game modes in CSGO. To do that, bring up the command input box and type in “game_mode [mode code].” This command needs to be used together with the “game_type [mode type code]” command. To enable the casual game mode, use the [0, 0] combination, for competitive mode – [0, 1], arms race – [1, 0], demolition – [1, 1], deathmatch – [1, 2], training – [2, 0], cooperative – [4, 0].

How Do I Bind a Key to a Command?

Binding keys of your choice to specific commands help to quickly enable certain settings. To bind a key to a command on consoles, bring up the command input box and type in “bind [a key of your choice] [command]”. On Mac, type in “bind_osx [a key of your choice] [command]”. To view the keys that are already bound with commands, type in “key_listboundkeys.” To unbind a key, enter the “unbind [key]” command.

How Do I Quickly Switch Between Maps in CSGO?

You can use commands for switching between maps. Type in “map [code]” to the command input box. The map codes are as follows: cache – “de_cache”, dust ll – “de_dust2,” mirage – “de_mirage,” overpass – “de_overpass,” and so on. Some maps have “cs” or “ar” in front of their codes – for example, agency (“cs_agency”) or baggage (“ar_baggage”). You can view to full map code list here.

How Do I Manage Controller Settings in CSGO?

Even though most CSGO players are using a keyboard and a mouse, some prefer to play with a controller. You can adjust joystick settings using commands. Bring up the command input box and type in “joy_inverty [0/1]” to enable or disable inverting the Y-axis for looking around.

Type in “joy_movement_stick [0/1/2]” to set a specific stick to control your character’s movements, where 1 is for the right stick and 2 is for the left. To adjust the sideways camera sensitivity, use the “Joy_sidesensitivity [value]” command. To set the controller acceleration, type in “joy_accelscale [value].”

Stay Focused on the Game

Hopefully, with the help of this guide, you got rid of annoying tips in CSGO that often prevent you from fully focusing on the game. Settings and commands often get neglected even by experienced players, even though they may have a crucial impact on the performance and convenience of the gameplay. Adjust the game settings to your preference to avoid distracting notifications and make the game more enjoyable.

What are your thoughts on the recent CSGO Trusted mode update? Share your opinions in the comments section below.

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