Axie Infinity Breeding Guide

Breeding Axies is a significant aspect of Axie Infinity, and these digital creatures can reach prices of up to a million dollars. Bird breeders know how to combine traits and produce valuable offspring, and Axie reproduction is similar. However, you can’t dive into Axie breeding blindly.

Axie Infinity Breeding Guide

If you’re curious about how Axie reproduction works, look no further. There are many rules and patterns, which can be complicated for the beginner. Read on to find out the intricacies of Axie biology.

Axie Infinity Breeding Guide

All Axies start as fertile creatures, and they can pass down specific traits to their offspring. Except for Origin Axies and MEO Axies, they have a Smooth Love Potion cost. After exhausting an Axie’s breed count, they become sterile forever.

These are the first things you should learn about breeding Axies, as the developers don’t wish to oversaturate the market with specific traits and features. With these limitations, players can enjoy a variety of Axie genes and mutations.

Breeding the Axies

The basic process of letting Axies reproduce is pretty simple. You’ll need the following objects or creatures:

  • Two compatible and fertile Axies
  • SLP
  • AXS

When you’re ready, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Axie inventory.
  2. Select the first Axie you want to breed.
  3. Click on the “Breed” button between “Sell” and “Gift.”
  4. In the new window that pops up, pick another Axie to be the second parent.
  5. Once you’re ready, click on “Let’s Breed” to let your adorable monsters reproduce.
  6. You’ll get a notification and find an Egg in your inventory seconds later.

The Egg will require 24 hours to incubate, and after that period, it hatches into a larva. The Axie will stay as a larva for 48 hours, and you still won’t be able to tell which genes it inherits. What’s more, the Egg color does not affect your Axie’s genes, even though it’s based on the parents’ type.

Three days after hatching, your Axie becomes a Petite, the equivalent of a cross between a juvenile and teenager. You can finally see its class and traits, but you’ll have to head into your inventory and pay a small fee plus ETH gas fee to morph it.

Another 48 hours must pass before your Axie gets to morph into an adult, and the morphing process also requires some payment. Once an Axie matures, it’s ready for breeding and fighting.

Breed Count

An Axie’s breed count directly impacts the breeding cost, with higher breed counts translating into more SLP spent. Each Axie can only breed seven times, and after that, they become permanently sterile.

Here are the breeding costs depending on the number of times an Axies reproduced:

  • Virgin Axie costs 100 SLP
  • 200 SLP for 1/7 times
  • 300 SLP for 2/7 times
  • 500 SLP for 3/7 times
  • 800 SLP for 4/7 times
  • 1,300 SLP for 5/7 times
  • 2,100 SLP for 6/7 times
  • Sterile at 7/7 times

Each parent’s breed count will affect how much SLP is spent during reproduction. For example, breeding a virgin Axie with another that has mated five times will cost 1,400 SLP in total.

You can check an Axie’s breed count in the inventory, and it’s always a good idea to be careful. If you accidentally waste a breeding opportunity, you can’t get it back no matter how hard you try.

Breeding also costs one AXS. You earn this cryptocurrency by playing the game, similar to how players make SLP.

Axie Genetics

Each Axie has particular traits they were born with and can pass down to offspring, and learning about genetics can be intimidating to newbies. Nevertheless, the basics are pretty simple to grasp, and once you understand the mechanics, breeding the ideal Axie can become trivial.

No matter how rare an Axie is, they have six body parts and a body shape. Every part has three genes. They are dominant, recessive, and minor recessive.

Dominant genes are the ones already present on the creature, such as a tail shape or pattern. Both recessive and minor recessive genes don’t manifest physically, but they may get passed down to offspring.

Here are the chances of each gene:

  • Dominant genes have a 37.5% chance
  • Recessive genes have a 9.375% chance
  • Minor recessive genes have a 3.124% chance

During genetic calculation, each of the 12 recessive genes has a 10% chance of mutation. Mutations result in completely random body parts that aren’t inherited from the parents. Dominant genes will never mutate.

Each mutating gene doesn’t affect another gene’s mutation probabilities. Factoring in common mutations, 32% of Axies will have no mutations, while the remaining 68% will have at least one.

Here are some mutation chances:

  • 28.84% chance for no mutations
  • 37.66% chance for one mutation
  • 23.01% chance for two mutations
  • 8.523% chance for three mutations
  • 2.131% chance for four mutations
  • 0.379% chance for five mutations
  • 0.049% chance for six mutations

The possibility of more mutations is extremely low but not impossible.

Mutations can also result in some offspring becoming pure Axies. A pure Axie has all six body parts of a class, such as Plant or Bug.

Axies also have a single class, which is the one from either parent. Thus, it has a 50% chance of inheriting one type or the other. Offspring can’t be born with classes different from its parents’, making class mutations impossible.

If the parents are of the same class, their offspring will also be born with that class.

As for body patterns, they’re inherited from both parents. The difference is that you can combine the body patterns of both parents and produce offspring with particular shapes and traits. These recipes are predetermined, and it doesn’t matter what parent you pick first on the selection screen.

Standard body patterns are the most commonly encountered ones. However, rarer patterns make Axies appear fluffier and hairier, such as Spiky, Curly, and Fluffy.

The most desirable patterns are the unique patterns:

  • Wet Dog
  • Sumo
  • Big Yak

You can breed for all three with the following recipes:

  • P3 (Trispike) + P29 (Spikey) = P34 (Sumo)
  • P1 (Fuzzy) + P30 (Curly) = P33 (Wet Dog)
  • P33 (Wet Dog) + P34 (Sumo) = P49 (Big Yak)

If you wish to run breeding simulations before proceeding with the actual process, you can visit this website. As it doesn’t show recessive genes, you should download this extension by Freak.

More About Classes

Each Axie belongs to one of these six classes:

  • Beast
  • Bug
  • Bird
  • Reptile
  • Plant
  • Aquatic

However, three secret classes require extensive preparation and luck to breed. They are:

  • Dusk
  • Dawn
  • Mech

All three require two pure Axies, and the recipes don’t guarantee you’ll get one of these classes either. There’s a 33% chance, which means you might have to try more than once if you’re not so lucky.

  • Reptile + Aquatic = Dusk
  • Bug + Beast = Mech
  • Plant + Bird = Dawn

Breeding Loops

As you can’t breed Axies that are siblings or parents, the community has developed optimized routes that result in unlimited generations. These are called breeding loops, and they take advantage of having at least three Axies that aren’t related to each other.

The most common loop is the ABC method involving three Axies:

  1. The first two Axies will breed twice to produce two children, which will take several days as the offspring grow.
  2. After the children grow up, you breed the third Axie with one of the younger ones and produce another two Axies.
  3. One of these newer children will breed with the second-generation Axie that hasn’t mated yet.
  4. Repeat until you wish to stop.

While the loop sounds good on paper, mutations can eventually make the Axies themselves costlier than their selling price. At this point, it’s better to start a new loop and sell all the Axies you used. Regardless, if you’re lucky, you might breed a pure Axie and make a profit.

The second most popular method is the ABCD method, and you can even transition from ABC to this somewhere down the line.

  1. The first two Axies will breed four times.
  2. The other pair will also breed four times.
  3. Now that you have four pairs of offspring, you can breed them and sire even more Axies.
  4. Repeat the loop.

When initiating breeding loops, always plan meticulously unless you only wish to breed normal Axies for scholars. If you’re looking to produce pure Axies, it takes some good luck and extensive planning. You’ll also need the purest Axies possible, which can take a lot of time to acquire.

The Best Genes

Axies with perfect genetics and incredible stats tend to sell for lots of money. However, for each pure Axie, you’ll likely end up with some mutations that don’t sell for much. Regardless, the Axie breeding process will require a lot of time and money before striking gold.

Which breeding loop do you prefer? Do you have a pure Axie? Let us know in the comments section below.

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