The Best MIUI Launchers

Xiaomi’s mobile user interface attempts to combine the best elements of Android and iPhone into one with its development of MIUI. But versions of MIUI vary wildly depending on the device, and each device can vary across regions where they are sold. So how can you tell which MIUI launcher is the best? This article will tell you what you need to know about the best MIUI launcher.

The Best MIUI Launchers

App Launchers

When you first see your Xiaomi phone’s home screen, you might not realize that you’re looking at an app in action. But this app is actually an app launcher, and it controls how you view everything on your phone. You can change the app launcher on your phone if you want to, and the Play Store has several to choose from. But which is the best?

Best MIUI Launcher

The latest version of Xiaomi’s MIUI launcher is MIUI 14. This is generally considered the best MIUI launcher as it has the latest updates and comes pre-installed on the phone. Indeed, new versions can sometimes contain unexpected bugs, but it’s the features of MIUI 14 make it the best MIUI launcher.

Features in MIUI 14

Performance optimization was the focus of MIUI 14. One complaint users had about MIUI 13 was the immense number of pre-installed apps. Many of these have been removed for 14 which frees up some phone storage.

Xiaomi boasts that devices will run 50% faster with 14 than they did with 13. Also, phones running 14 should have a higher energy efficiency rating of 22%. Users should see obvious increases in speed with the MIUI update.

The Chinese version of MIUI 13 had an app called App Vault with MIUI 13. This now will be standard on all phones. This app allows extra customization of the home screen using widgets.

MIUI 14 incorporates a feature from iPhones that allows it to recognize text in the photos in your gallery. This is a nice feature to have when searching for content contained in photos, and it is a great addition to the new MIUI version.

What If You Don’t Like MIUI 14?

If you don’t prefer the MIUI 14 that comes with your Xiaomi smartphone, you can change it. Although the customized operating system has nice features, it still consumes more resources than some third-party launchers. Here are some alternatives to Xiaomi’s MIUI 14 for MIUI-based smartphones.

  1. Google Now Launcher. This launcher is known for being fast and resource-efficient. With the technology of Google and the look of an Android OS, Google Now is a great alternative to MIUI 14. Best of all, it’s free.

  2. Nova Launcher. Nova is one of the most well-known launchers in the Android world. The base launcher is free and is quick, simple, and very customizable. With versatile widgets and icon themes, Nova is a favorite of many. It’s small enough that it can be run on Xiaomi smartphones but also comes in an upgraded advanced option with extra features that is available for purchase. Nova also has great support, with frequent updates and a large community of users.
  3. Action Launcher . Action Launcher is similar to the Google Now launcher but has some extra features. Customizability is key. Unfortunately, the free version is lacking in extra options.
  4. Arrow Launcher. Arrow is free and was developed by Microsoft, a trusted company. The biggest benefit of Arrow is that it customizes itself based on your activity. It uses RAM well and doesn’t drain the battery, and also comes equipped with wallpapers from Bing. It’s not a bad option if you’re looking to replace your MIUI 14.
  5. Lawnchair. Lawnchair is the perfect launcher if you’re looking for a simple yet sleek operation for your phone. Lawnchair is free and has more customization options than most launchers but with fewer other bells and whistles.
  6. Apex Launcher Apex launcher is another option that has been a favorite for many years. It is one of the fastest launchers produced by a third party. Its base is an Android OS, with features and extras added. Apex is well-supported but requires the paid version for some of its better functionality.
  7. Atom Launcher. It’s easy to switch to Atom Launcher because it allows you to import your home screen from the previous launcher you used. Atom has resizable folders which are unique and allows you to flip through apps like a book. It also has a hidden dock to store quick adjustment settings. Atom does not come with a large, pre-installed assortment of widgets and themes, so be prepared to install companion apps to include those.
  8. CPL. CPL has been a favorite for long-time Nova users because of the similarities between the two. CPL however allows extra font customizations on the home screen. CPL also allows users to change the Dock settings separately from the system settings. CPL is a great free OS if you like Nova but want a few extra options.
  9. Smart Launcher 6. The selling point for Smart Launcher is that it categorizes your apps for you. Only pro users who invest in a paid upgrade can remove ads and edit categories, however, so that might be a deal breaker for some.
  10. Hola Launcher. Hola does not use many system resources, because it only takes up 2.3 MB of storage. It is possible to use user-created home screens with Hola, which presents the opportunity for a lot of customization. Hola also works with current Android systems, which isn’t true for many launchers. Unfortunately, Hola is known for having quite a bit of spam and adware, so beware if you want to try this one.

Why Replace Your App Launcher

In a creative environment where app launchers can be reconfigured, users can maximize certain things that might not be possible with a factory launcher. These aftermarket launchers, usually made for advanced users, often run faster and cleaner and use less memory. They also add extra features like interesting screen transitions and customizable widgets.

How to Replace Your MIUI App Launcher

If you decide to replace your MIUI app launcher, you can do so through the settings on your mobile device. Specific instructions vary based on your device and operating system, but follow these general steps to figure out how to replace your specific launcher:

  1. Choose the launcher you want to try and download it from Google Play Store.
  2. Most phones have a search function embedded in their Settings menu. Open Settings and search for “Default.”
  3. Tap “Default apps.”
  4. Tap “Home apps.”
  5. You should be able to choose from your list of launchers the one you want to be your default.

If this series of steps does not work for your device, search the web for device-specific instructions to replace your MIUI launcher.

Best MIUI Launcher

The operating system launcher on your smartphone is the window to everything you do on your device. Be sure to install your favorite launcher to ensure the maximum enjoyment and efficiency of your device.

Which do you consider the best MIUI launcher? What experiences have you had with various launchers? Be sure to tell us about them in the comments section below.

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