Pokémon Go hack: How to get Pikachu as your first, starter Pokémon

Pokémon Go initially launched in 2016, but over four years later the game continues to be immensely popular. With millions of downloads, the Augmented Reality game continues to impress a variety of users from young to old and all experience levels.

Many players have loved the franchise since they were children while others have never touched the cards or watched the show. Regardless of your experience, you’ve undoubtedly heard of Pikachu. The small yellow companion is like the cool kids’ version of Winnie the Pooh (except he isn’t a bear, he’s a… mouse?).

Get Pikachu Before Any Other Pokemon

When you first start Pokémon Go, Professor Willow gives you the usual choice of the standard three elemental Pokémon: that’s Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. However, in the film, Ash misses this and ends up getting a Pikachu instead. And it turns out it’s pretty easy for you to start off with a Pikachu, too.

How to download Pikachu in Pokémon Go

When you’re asked by Professor Willow which of the three standard Pokémon you want, just physically walk away from the area with the app open, and then return.

You might have to do this around three times, and you’ll need a good GPS signal too, but soon you’ll be face to face with a Pikachu – everyone’s favorite Pokémon.

Just remember, you’ll need to walk a good distance (no, walking from your living room to your dining room won’t work). Pokémon Go was designed to get you up and moving. So try taking a walk around a park or in your neighborhood and back.

How to Catch Pikachu Without the Hack

If like me and a lot of other people, you didn’t know this when you started playing – don’t worry. You can still get a Pikachu in the game, but you’ll just find them at random locations – or from an egg. It will take a little longer, but there are a few things you can do to put the odds in your favor.

It’s worth remembering that, while having a Pikachu as your starter Pokémon might be good fun, you’re better off grabbing a Squirtle and getting yourself a Blastoise if you want a powerful Pokémon further down the line.

Who is Pikachu?

If you’ve decided to follow through with the hack above, you may want to get to know your companion a little better. For anyone who is familiar with Pokemon, go ahead and skip this part. But, for those who are new to the franchise, let’s talk about Pikachu!

First introduced to the world in 1996, Pikachu’s name reportedly came from the “Pika” the sound of electricity, and “Chu” the sound of a mouse. Why does this matter other than a random fun fact about the tiny yellow being? Well, because Pikachu’s special attack is the Volt Tackle of course (hence the lightning bolt on his tail).

Because of his special abilities, you’re best off battling water or flying creatures. But, he won’t fair well against the ground, dragon, or electric Pokémon.

If you choose to go with Pikachu as your first Pokémon, it’s important to his potential. Pikachu can evolve into a stronger and more formidable component for other Pokémon.

Raichu is an evolved Pikachu meaning he has improved skills.

All you need to do is feed your Pikachu 60 candy and let him evolve! Just beware, ground is still a weakness for the new and improved Pikachu so be strategic when picking him for battle.

Note: There are male and female Pikachus throughout the history of the franchise! You can tell the Pokémon’s gender by the shape of their tale. For example, a female Pikachu has a heart-shaped tail while the male Pikachu’s have a straight-edged tail. But don’t succumb to a male Pikachu’s tricks, he will change the shape of his tale to appear like the female version.

Do You Really Need Him?

If you’re brand new to Pokémon Go it’s very important that you understand how each Pokémon stacks up in battle. While some characters thrive around water, they won’t do so well on land. Some have special characteristics like electricity or fire that increase your chances of winning depending on who or what you’re battling.

Once you understand the base premise of battle, you may wonder if you really need Pikachu to succeed in the game.

Another thing to consider when choosing your first Pokémon (or any for that matter) is their future possibilities. With candy and proper care, your small, weak, and inferior battle buddy can become one of the most valuable friends in the Pokedex.

As mentioned above, you may be better off in the long run starting with Squirtle since the evolutions produce more powerful battle companions. But, where would the fun be in that?

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